1:1 Birth Demystified sessions
What would you choose for your birth if you believed it was safe?

What if I told you the fear you feel surrounding birth is mostly learnt?
What if I told you giving birth, as nature intended, is less dangerous than driving your car?
What if I told you that what we have been conditioned to believe about birth is a whole lot of bs?
What if I told you there was a way to unpack this conditioning and choose the homebirth/ freebirth you actually want?
You can - this is what Birth Demystified is all about!
True, undisturbed, physiological birth has been designed over many years of evolution to work harmoniously, as nature intended. However, as a species, we have become abhorrently disconnected from nature itself. I believe the rise of industrial obstetrics has further fortified this divide. Our society has conditioned us to fear birth through media, common narrative and story. We see woman lying on their backs screaming in movies. We see birth dramatised for good television. We hear stories of trauma and violence in the birth space. I believe it is this subconscious programming that hinders our ability to see and choose a different way to birth our babies: in the comfort of our own homes. Birth is inherently safe; we have been lied to.
So, what is Birth Demystified coaching all about? Is it for me?
1:1 BIRTH DEMYSTIFIED sessions are designed to complement the Birth Demystified Guide. It is a personalised, 1:1 space to unpack your specific fears, in real time. I recommend working through the guide as a starting point, but if you are feeling called to receive in-depth 1:1 support, I’m here to support you.
It is not until we start bringing the subconscious forward, creating congruence with the conscious mind, that our thoughts, behaviours, thus choices, can change.
If you are someone who finds yourself saying: I would love a homebirth/ freebirth BUT (fill in the blank) - BIRTH DEMYSTIFIED is for you.
Through all I have learnt on my journey, I now want to support to other woman to deconstruct their fears, so they can choose the dreamy home/free birth they actually want.
The Nitty Gritty
Over the course of the session, we will:
Unpack your current conditioning around pregnancy/ birth
Explore all the ‘what if’s’
Learn tools to reprogram the subconscious mind
Learn tools to decipher and overcome fears in order to access your intuitive knowing
Investigate what it means to be self-responsible and how to feel empowered
Support on dealing with external judgements and staying true to yourself
Receive support in planning the practical elements of a birth at home
Receive a complimentary recorded hypnosis track curated specifically to your situation
Have more questions before you take the plunge? Give us a shout via email, or instagram or to get a sense for my work, and for something to take home today, feel free to download my ‘Melting Fear’ meditation.
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