Birth Trauma Support

Birth is an enormous energetic event AND ‘just another day’ but it is not meant to be traumatic.

Far too often in our modern society do I hear of women leaving the birth space confused, disorientated, disempowered and full of shame and/ or guilt.

It should not be this way.

It is the unfortunate truth that the current birth culture is leaving many woman traumatised (1 in 3 to be exact).

Perhaps you felt violated in one way or another. Perhaps you felt let down by your support team. Perhaps you felt coerced, lied to, gaslit, or manipulated. Perhaps you experienced loss of some kind, or some deep physical trauma. You may have felt dismissed and told to be grateful, or perhaps it has never felt safe to share your experiences in a culture that has normalised highly medicalised births.

Irrespective of what happened, you deserve the time and space to be heard, because, no, having a healthy baby at the end of it is NOT all that matters.

During a Birth Trauma support session with me, we will unpack your birth story and look at through a different lens, giving you some clarity and closure on your experience. There is so much power in sharing, and having the space to be truely listened to and validated is most of the medicine. Healing is your birthright.

  • We will start with a very short breathwork practice (if its something that resonates for you), to calm the nervous system

  • You will tell me your birth story, taking all the time you need

  • Together we will ‘unpack’ the story (often paying particular emphasis on how disturbances in the birth space affect our physiology)

  • We will use mind body therapy tools (muscle testing and eye patterns) to clear traumatic neural pathways and support your healing

  • We will finish with a breathwork practice, to integrate the session and let any learnings permeate

  • You will receive complimentary recorded meditations and breath work practices to take home with you for further support

The sessions can last anywhere from 1.5- 3 hours. It is important to have this long duration blocked out as trauma isn’t ‘linear’ i.e. the story and how it is remembered can come back in fragments and to be trauma informed, is to take our time with it.

What a healing session looks like:

Have more questions before you book? Give us a shout via email, or instagram.

My ‘door’ is always open x